Diabetes, pre-diabetes, and blood sugar issues like metabolic syndrome and hypoglycemia are all serious conditions that can have a severe effect on your quality of life - yet many people with these conditions are unaware that they have it in the first place. What’s...
The Plastic Problem: Why (And How) We Should Reduce Our Plastic Consumption
Look around. You’re surrounded by plastic. Most pens, earphones, chargers, shoes, and even furniture contain plastic. Plastic forms a part of your kitchen appliances. Your bathroom is full of it: plastic bottles, plastic toothbrushes, perhaps a plastic shower curtain....
Healthcare with Advantages – Personalized Health Coaching
At Knew Health, we care about our Community. This means empowering our Members and soon-to-be Members with the information they need in order to make the best decisions for themselves and their families. We also know that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it...
Finishing 2019 Strong!
It's mid-November! Fall is coming to an end and winter is just around the corner! This time of the year always feels like "a new year," a fresh start of sorts. I get back into a rhythm and a routine that feel good and grounding after a more carefree (and maybe a bit...
Suggested Books to add to your reading list for Fall/Winter 2019
There is nothing better than sitting down with your favorite book and entering a new world, educating yourself and exploring an area of interest. We’ve summarized some of our favorite books in the health, wellness and nutrition fields for you convenience. We hope...
Member Stories
Jennifer Carfagnini Knew Member Support Representative Take it from someone who’s been there, you don’t want to leave the house without coverage. I was working at a car dealership in my early twenties. I was active and pretty healthy. My doctor visits were basically...
The 5Cs: a Community solution to Healing Health Care
We know you care - deeply - about the current state of “healthcare”. Both the lack of effective care for chronic disease and the skyrocketing costs. We do too. People are sicker than ever---which means conventional medicine isn't working to address the root cause of...
A KNEW Story of Health Transformation: Overcoming a Lifelong Battle with Sleep
Despite considering herself “a pretty healthy person”, Lisa, a 51 year old female knew she wanted to work with a health coach to address her lifelong battle with sleep, 20 year-struggle with gastrointestinal “issues” and what she believed was her "destiny" of...
A Knew Health Story of Health Transformation: A Father’s Journey to Conquer his Pain and Reclaim His Best Life
Do you ever wake up and think: “I want to be sick, tired and overweight today?” Of course not. If you're like most people, you wake up desiring a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. Perhaps that means having a loving family, plenty of energy to get through the day, a...
Understanding Your Lab Work: Unpacking Your Fasting Lipid Panel (Triglycerides, HDL & LDL)
The Fasting Lipid Panel is one of the most valuable series of lab tests for gaining an accurate picture of your heart health and cholesterol levels. But its value lies in understanding what those different lab markers mean (triglycerides, HDL, and LDL) within the...