You ask, we answer
What is Knew Health?
Knew Health is not health insurance, but rather an affordable membership-based alternative healthcare solution also known as health sharing. Becoming a member of the Knew Health Community means joining like-minded individuals who are proactive about their wellness and looking for a better way to manage healthcare costs. Our Membership acts like a hub, connecting you with trusted services that help you save on all aspects of healthcare, especially general health and wellness costs. Knew Health Memberships are also designed to reduce the individual financial impact of medical expenses that result from illnesses, injuries, and pregnancies for its members.
What is medical health sharing?
Is medical health sharing a new approach?
The concept has since evolved since then, but the purpose remains the same: for the Community to help relieve the burden on the individual in their time of need.
Why do Knew Health Members have peace of mind?
Getting Started
Why do Members join Knew Health?
How much does Knew Health cost?
How can I sign up?
Hoe does a Knew Health membership help save money on healthcare?
Will my rates increase every year?
What is healthcare freedom as a Knew Health Member?
It means being able to make your own healthcare choices without network restrictions and having more flexibility with the types of healthcare expenses that can be shared.
How does the Knew Health Community manage large medical expenses?
Knew Health is a community of thousands of individuals and families who benefit from the power of sharing in one another’s medical burdens. Our Care Team works with Members to negotiate and attain fair pricing for medical services. As direct and self-pay (link self-pay blog) patients, our members experience bill reduction of 50%+ on average.
Our community is there to support fellow Members when they need it the most, and that is why there are no sharing caps or limits on how much is available to share for larger medical expenses(link to “how knew health manages larger medical expenses).
How does Knew Health negotiate medical bills?
We will use several methods to help our members attain fair costs for healthcare services.
- Request self-pay– Our members always present as self-pay and request any discounts that are available
- Prompt pay– We ask our members to facilitate payment directly to the provider as quickly as possible to ensure any prompt payment discounts are applied.
- Negotiation– Our thorough negotiation process can often lower bills that are not paid in advance and are at least $1,000.
- Packaged discounts– For services like recovery care, maternity, or surgical needs offering to pay for services in advance as a package to reduce bills significantly. We encourage and help members to ask the right questions to see if this option is available.
Am I legally required to have health insurance?
What is an IUA?
The initial unshareable amount, or IUA, is the amount a member will pay before the Knew Health Community shares in eligible medical expenses related to a unique Need. The IUA is also known as your personal responsibility that you will pay before sharing can begin for a Need.
Knew Health has five primary levels of personal responsibility: $500, $1,000, $1500, $2,500, and $5,000. The lower your personal responsibility (or IUA), the higher your monthly contribution will be.
All qualifying medical expenses submitted after the IUA is met for a Need are shareable with the Knew Health Community. There is no annual or lifetime limit. You will not need to pay the IUA for a single Need again until you are symptom-free for 12 months. Additionally, you will not be responsible for more than three IUAs in a Membership Year.
General wellness services do not require members to meet an IUA first and are immediately shareable without waiting periods.
Medical Needs
What is a Need?
What expenses are eligible for sharing with the community?
Are there any caps or maximums to how much the community will share for medical expenses?
You can see all of our Guides for sharing here:
Are pre-existing conditions eligible for sharing?
Conditions that exist prior to a Knew Health Membership being active are subject to limitations in the first year of Membership and then follow a phase-in period after that. See the Member Guidelines “Pre-existing condition phase-in period for details.
* If you would like to discuss your personal pre-existing condition sharing options, please contact our Member Care Team
Are maternity costs eligible for sharing?
For a pregnancy that begins prior to a Membership Effective date or with an estimated date of delivery that falls within the first year of Membership, pregnancy is treated as a pre-existing condition, and costs are not shared. Maternity Needs with an estimated date of delivery that falls one year or after Membership begins are shared like any other Need. This includes prenatal care, delivery, postnatal care, and complications.
What about costs that occur abroad?
As long as the medical Need meets the Member Guidelines for sharing, these costs can be shared, no matter where they happen. Please note that non-emergent medical care that occurs abroad is not shareable.
What is considered tobacco usage for surcharge purposes?
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