Not only is it the new year, but we are talking about a KNEW YOU! Are you ready? Ready to R-E-E-EALLY step into the most powerful YOU you’ve ever been? And by “power,” I don’t mean “power” as the world defines it. I’m talking “power” as in “personal power” and self...

Amy Marzluff
Author Articles:
10 Keys for Unlocking Your Super Emotional/Mental Health & Your Super Brain
At Knew Health, our members strive to be the healthiest versions of themselves. Being healthy, also means having a healthy brain. Here are 10 keys adapted from Jim Kwik, renowned brain coach, to be healthy and have a SUPER BRAIN. Good Brain Diet A good brain diet...
Happiness…It’s An Inside Job
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness….It’s the American Dream. The Pursuit of Happiness… It’s the one thing that we all desire. We wish for it. We want it. We pray for it for others. Books are written on it. Songs are sung about it…. It’s probably the ONE and...
Finishing 2019 Strong!
It's mid-November! Fall is coming to an end and winter is just around the corner! This time of the year always feels like "a new year," a fresh start of sorts. I get back into a rhythm and a routine that feel good and grounding after a more carefree (and maybe a bit...