Knew Health Cost Calculator
Calculate Your Monthly Cost with Knew Health
Your Simple, Friendly and Affordable Alternative to Health Insurance
Aside from health care peace of mind, memberships also include:
- Medical cost sharing for large health issues
- Medical bill review and negotiation services
- Allowances for wellness exams and screenings
- 24/7 telemedicine
- No network restrictions
- Annual Self-Care Credits
- Free and discounted lab work
- Access to holistic and alternative care, like chiropractic care
- 35% off top-rated supplements, vitamins, and homeopathy
- Personalized, complementary health coaching
- On-demand fitness and nutrition classes
- Exclusive discounts on wellness and lifestyle brands
- No annual or lifetime sharing cap
- In-House Care Team to help you get the most out of your Membership
What Is Knew Health
Knew Health is a simple, affordable, community-centered alternative to health insurance, created for wellness-focused individuals and families. We are not health insurance, we’re a cost-sharing alternative with a proven track record of standing by our members when they need us most. Through Knew Health you receive preventive tools to live a healthier, happier life, like health coaching, wellness allowances, and discounted lab work. We empower our Members to optimize their health, rather than just managing symptoms and illness.
What is Medical Cost Sharing
Medical Cost Sharing is an arrangement whereby Members agree to share medical expenses through an act of voluntary giving. Unlike insurance, the focus of the Medical Cost Sharing membership is on how our Members help one another with their immediate needs, so they are never alone when it matters most.

Requests Processed in
7-14 days

Concierge Member
Care Team

Our Members Rate Us 4.8/5 on Trustpilot
Let’s Show You How Medical Cost Sharing Works
While medical cost sharing is not new, it has gained significant popularity in recent years. Knew Health, founded in 2017, has been a leader in this movement, proudly sharing of 100% of eligible medical needs.
Over the past year, we’ve experienced impressive growth of 44%, highlighting the increasing interest in this supportive and community-driven approach to healthcare. Discover the benefits of medical cost sharing with us today!
Below is an example of how the Knew Health community can work (using $1,000 as your Initial Unsharable Amount).

Jake has an injury and gets an ER bill of $7,400.

The bill is evaluated and negotiated to the lowest cost (by 46%) by Knew Health’s skilled team of medical negotiators.

Jake’s new bill is $4,000.

The Knew Health Community shares the remaining $3,000.

Jake pays $1,000 instead of $7,400.