Many of us are encountering stressors that we've never had to face before. When that happens, we need to make sure that we are taking care of ourselves and our holistic wellbeing. Here are some tips for managing stress and anxiety: Limit your time on social media -...

Joshua Rosenthal
Author Articles:
Why ‘Nutritional Momentum’ Is so Important for Gut Health
We all know how the principal works. The more momentum we gain, whether that be with working out or with other habits, the easier it is to keep going. This concept can be applied to nutrition as well. Check out the "nutritional momentum" concept from...
Simply changing how we breathe can change our lives
We look for solutions only when we recognize that there is a problem. But what if we've taken for granted the most basic action in life? What if we've been breathing wrong all along? One man has spent years researching optimal breathing techniques and shares his...
New cancer research is surprisingly optimistic
The end of cancer may be closer than we think. Here are two revolutionary developments designed to delivery medicine directly into the tumor, by adapting systems our body already uses naturally. Read the full article here. Finding a biological solution to a...
Food-Mood Connection
Scientific research and personal experience both demonstrate that what we eat affects how we think and how we act. Still, most people don't acknowledge the connection between their food and their mood. Stop and think for a moment about how you feel through the day?...
Eat Less Processed Foods
One of the biggest hurdles to having a healthy diet these days is avoiding the bounty of highly processed junk foods available. These foods are typically found in boxes, cans, bags, and bottles, i.e. soda, crackers, candy, and more. But notice I still said eat less,...
Experiment With Protein
Protein is the basic building block of the human structure, helping our bodies form muscles, skin, and hair. Because of our bio-individuality, protein requirements vary dramatically from person to person. I recommend experimenting with reducing or increasing your...
Increase Leafy Greens
If vegetables are the scarcest food in the Western diet, leafy green vegetables are lacking most of all. Learning to cook and eat greens is essential for creating lasting health. The color green is associated with spring, a time of renewal, refreshment, and vital...
Experiment with Grains
Many fashionable diet theories advise people to avoid carbohydrates, naming them as a culprit in our obesity crisis. This advice is a huge and faulty generalization. By looking at the delicate, thin bodies of Japanese people, who consume high-carbohydrate diets...
Increase Sweet Vegetables
Almost everyone craves sweets. Instead of depending on processed sugar, you can add more naturally sweet flavor to your daily diet and dramatically reduce sweet cravings. Certain vegetables have a deep, sweet flavor when cooked, like corn, carrots, onions, beets,...
Practice Cooking
It’s a well-known paradox that only a skilled cook knows how to prepare a meal in just a few minutes. You would think expertise would bring complexity, but making a meal can actually be divided into two simple states: preparation time and cooking time. Preparation...
Health Cost Sharing 101
You have lower medical expenses so why pay the same as people with high expenses? Because you’re relatively healthy, you’re happy (and so are we) that you don’t need to go to the doctor that often. You’re looking for a solution that gives you peace of mind in the...