Self Care » 10 Tips for Making a New Year’s Resolution That Sticks

10 Tips for Making a New Year’s Resolution That Sticks



Making A New Year’s Resolution That Sticks




As we bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, the start of a fresh year often comes with a surge of motivation to make positive changes in our lives. It’s that time of the year when we scribble down resolutions in the hopes of becoming the best version of ourselves. Whether it’s losing weight, getting fit, learning a new skill, or improving your mental health, we understand the importance of setting a resolution that inspires and endures. To ensure your New Year’s aspirations become lasting habits, we present ten of our best tips for making a solid resolution that will stick, all before the clock strikes midnight on January 1.


Tip #1: Reflect on the Year Gone By

Before you dive into setting your New Year’s resolution, take a moment to reflect on the year that’s bidding adieu. What lessons did it bring (both good and bad)? What achievements are you proud of? What might you do differently? Reflecting on the past helps you understand where you stand and where you wish to go. Self-awareness can be the start of meaningful change. Embrace the wisdom gained from the past year, and let it inspire the path to a more intentional and fulfilling year ahead.


Tip #2: Define Your Values and Prioritize

New Year’s resolutions that align with your core values are more likely to withstand the test of time. Take a pen and paper or your favorite note-taking app, and jot down what truly matters to you. It can be personal, professional, spiritual, or fun–there are no rules here, just that you determine what is most important to you. Let your resolutions reflect your deepest values to create a solid foundation for the journey ahead.


Tip #3: Set Realistic and Achievable Goals

The excitement of the New Year often leads us to set ambitious goals that may be hard to sustain (and easy to give up on). Instead of aiming for the stars, set practical and achievable goals. If you’re still determined to reach the stars, try breaking down your larger objectives into smaller, manageable steps. Celebrating those smaller achievements along the way can help you meet your longer, more ambitious goals. Small, consistent actions can pave the way for transformative change.


Tip #4: Create a Vision Board

Visualization is a powerful tool for manifesting your dreams. Assemble a vision board before you set your New Year’s resolution that represents your aspirations. Use images, quotes, and colors that resonate with your goals. Don’t just keep it on your phone or computer. Construct a physical copy of your vision board, and keep it where you’ll see it daily (in your closet, refrigerator, car dashboard). Seeing the board will be a constant reminder and will encourage you to stay motivated and focused on your resolution. 


Tip #5: Share Your Resolutions with a Friend

Accountability is a game-changer when it comes to achieving your goals. Share your New Year’s resolution with a friend or family member who can provide support and encouragement. Having a confidant makes the journey more enjoyable and helps you stay on track. Consider finding an accountability partner with their own New Year’s resolution to achieve. Work together and listen to each other’s struggles, celebrate achievements, and be a sounding board for one another. Reaching goals together and checking in periodically is a powerful thing. The strength of support can strengthen your resolution journey.


Tip #6: Plan Your Strategy

The best-laid plans are those with a strategy. Once you’ve defined your New Year’s resolutions, create a step-by-step plan to achieve them. Consider the potential obstacles and devise strategies to overcome them. Whether scheduling your workouts, planning your meals, or carving out “me” time to accomplish what you need to, a well-thought-out strategy increases the likelihood of success. Download any apps, set a daily alarm reminder, and remove any obstacles that might get in your way long before January 1 arrives.


Tip #7: Clear Your Space

Decluttering your physical space can have a profound impact on your mental well-being. Before the New Year arrives, tidy up your living and working spaces. A clutter-free environment promotes a sense of calm and order, providing a conducive atmosphere for positive change. Physical and mental well-being are interconnected and equally important for achieving your New Year’s resolutions. Create space in your daily life that nurtures your goals.


Tip #8: Practice Mindfulness

The journey toward lasting change begins with a mindful approach. Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine, such as meditation, Yoga, or deep breathing exercises. Mindfulness enhances self-awareness, making it easier to recognize and overcome obstacles on your resolution journey. Once you prioritize mindfulness and your well-being, there will be nothing in the way for you to achieve that New Year’s resolution in record time!


Tip #9: Establish a Support System

Surround yourself with like-minded people who uplift and inspire you. Share your resolutions with those who will cheer you on. Join groups or communities virtually or in person that align with your goals. Your support system can motivate you during challenging times and celebrate your victories, creating a positive environment for change. At Knew Health, we believe in the power of a supportive network. Members have unique access to community challenges and support from other Knew Health Members through the FitOn App.


Tip #10: Consult with a Health or Life Coach

Consider consulting with a health or life coach for personalized guidance on your wellness journey. A coach can help you clarify your dreams and goals, overcome obstacles, and stay accountable. At Knew Health, our experienced coaches are dedicated to supporting you in achieving your New Year’s resolutions. Book an appointment to kickstart your journey toward a healthier and more fulfilling life.


As the New Year approaches, take a proactive approach to your resolutions. Implementing these tips before January 1 sets the stage for lasting change. Remember, the journey toward wellness is not a sprint but a marathon, and with the right mindset and preparation, you can turn your resolutions into permanent habits. Embrace the opportunity for growth, and when you’re ready for personalized support, know that Knew Health will be with you every step of the way: connecting you to a like-minded community, helping you with mindful exercises, or setting up your first life coaching appointment, Together, let’s make this year your most transformative one yet.

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<a href="" target="_self">Kimberly Hirsch</a>

Kimberly Hirsch


Kimberly Hirsch resides in southern New Hampshire with her husband and two sons, She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Education from Providence College in Rhode Island and a Master’s degree from the University of Phoenix, Las Vegas. Kimberly taught elementary school for ten years and spent eight wonderful years as a stay-at-home mom raising her boys. She is currently a content writer and children's book author. She has published three children's books and has plans to publish many more in the future. When she isn’t writing, Kimberly can be found taking combat and weight lifting classes at the gym, baking healthy snacks, reading, doing author visits at local schools, and being a boy mom.