Knew Health Blog

Health Sharing Explained: Is It Right for You?

Health Sharing Explained: Is It Right for You?

Picture this: You've just canceled your traditional health insurance. The expenses were too high, the coverage too confusing, and as someone with a small business, the costs were eating into your budget. It’s a big relief but also scary, and you’re wondering what...

Practical Tips for Reducing Environmental Toxins in Your Life

Practical Tips for Reducing Environmental Toxins in Your Life

Imagine every breath you take, every meal you enjoy, and every sip of water you drink might contain hidden dangers. Environmental toxins are an often overlooked aspect of daily life. They are invisible yet can affect us through the air we breathe, the food we eat, and...

The Telemedicine Revolution

The Telemedicine Revolution

  Why Virtual Healthcare is Here to Stay   Welcome to the future of healthcare, where your doctor's office is just a click away, thanks to telemedicine. The revolution happening in medicine is reshaping how we access medical services, offering unprecedented...

7 Essential Blood Tests To Talk About With Your Doctor

7 Essential Blood Tests To Talk About With Your Doctor

7 Essential Blood Tests To Talk About With Your Doctor Want to know how to give your doctor the ultimate snapshot of your health?  It’s all in the bloodwork! Blood tests are the easiest way for your doctor to identify underlying health issues before they escalate into...

Tick Talk

Tick Talk

Understanding the Complexities of Lyme Disease   May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month. This month, we aim to raise awareness and increase education about this serious and growing disease. May is also the month when ticks, the source of Lyme Disease, become active...

Health Sharing Explained: Is It Right for You?

Health Sharing Explained: Is It Right for You?

Picture this: You've just canceled your traditional health insurance. The expenses were too high, the coverage too confusing, and as someone with a small business, the costs were eating into your budget. It’s a big relief but also scary, and you’re wondering what...

Practical Tips for Reducing Environmental Toxins in Your Life

Practical Tips for Reducing Environmental Toxins in Your Life

Imagine every breath you take, every meal you enjoy, and every sip of water you drink might contain hidden dangers. Environmental toxins are an often overlooked aspect of daily life. They are invisible yet can affect us through the air we breathe, the food we eat, and...


2023: KNEW Year, KNEW You!

2023: KNEW Year, KNEW You!

Not only is it the new year, but we are talking about a KNEW YOU! Are you ready? Ready to R-E-E-EALLY step into the most powerful YOU you’ve ever been? And by “power,” I don’t mean “power” as the world defines it. I’m talking “power” as in “personal power” and self...

Suicide Prevention: Key Information Everyone Should Know

Suicide Prevention: Key Information Everyone Should Know

On average, there are 130 suicides per day in the U.S.[1] What most people don't realize is that this tragic loss of life is preventable. That’s why September has been named Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.  This month is a time to share vital information...

Understanding Your Lab Work: Fasting Insulin Test

Understanding Your Lab Work: Fasting Insulin Test

Diabetes, pre-diabetes, and blood sugar issues like metabolic syndrome and hypoglycemia are all serious conditions that can have a severe effect on your quality of life - yet many people with these conditions are unaware that they have it in the first place. What’s...

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