Maternity Sharing 101: What Knew Health Members Need to Know
Pregnancy is a special time for women. Welcoming a new little one into the world is exciting and an experience like no other. However, the medical bills that come along with pregnancy can add up quickly and cause unnecessary stress if you aren’t prepared. At Knew Health, we offer an alternative to traditional health insurance that will keep you stress-free for nine months and beyond. Our maternity health sharing is one of the best you will find to help support you and your growing family. Moreover, our recently updated Member Guidelines have made maternity sharing better than ever. To make it a bit less confusing, we’ve mapped out exactly what you need to know to help you understand how the community shares in your maternity services as well as your responsibilities as a member.
Some Key Points of Maternity Sharing
Maternity Needs are treated like any other Need 
All Knew Health Members choose an IUA when they sign up for a Membership. Maternity is treated like any other IUA. Once you’ve met your chosen IUA for your maternity Need, the community shares all the remaining costs. Expectant mothers will only need to pay a single IUA for all expenses related to their maternity Need request. Shareable expenses may be related to miscarriage, prenatal care, postnatal care, and delivery. Any complications related to your pregnancy or birth are also sharable as part of the single maternity Need.
No Network Restrictions
The freedom of health sharing allows you to choose your providers without worrying about networks. Maternity sharing with Knew Health is no different. You can select your certified maternity practitioner or specialist and choose to deliver your baby in a hospital, at a birthing center, or at home. As a member, you will simply present yourself as a “self-pay” patient. With a community of support behind you, Knew Health is always here to assist you with submitting your bills and negotiating and managing your medical expenses.
Did you know some doctors provide a reduced rate when you prepay your maternity bills? If this is the case with your provider, Knew Health will share the Need before delivery. We know you’ll have a lot to worry about when your little one arrives, so this is one less thing! All you’ll need is an estimate from your provider and the Need Request form. Once you meet your IUA, the rest of your maternity expenses are shareable.
Understanding what is shareable
Often, a provider will use the term “global fee” to include all services related to maternity from the first visit through delivery. The global fee is the one-time payment for these maternity costs. The fee generally includes all professional obstetric or midwifery services for routine, delivery, and postpartum care.
In traditional insurance scenarios, expectant mothers will first pay their deductible and can expect their bills to be covered after that. The exceptions can be copayments, coinsurance, or other services that are not included, such as diagnostic testing and labs. With Knew Health, we strive to be transparent about what is and is not shareable in our Member Guidelines. Here is what you can expect as it relates to maternity sharing:
- Routine office visits
- Routine lab work
- Most immunizations (such as flu shots)
- Fetal non-stress test (after 36 weeks)
- Up to three standard ultrasounds (unless an unexpected complication requires additional scans)
- STD/STI screenings prescribed by a licensed practitioner as part of routine prenatal care
- Chiropractic care is shareable up to 8 sessions, whether occurring prenatal or up to 2 months post-delivery
- Pelvic Floor Therapy is shareable for up to 2 sessions, whether occurring prenatal or up to 3 months post-delivery
- OB/GYN labor and delivery
- Cesarean multiple births
- Hospital labor and delivery
- Hospital room and board
- Anesthesiologist
- Legally practicing midwives
- Home births
- Birthing centers
- Charges related to unexpected complications with mother
- One in-hospital pediatrician visit, including routine immunizations, routine lab work, and routine hearing
- Tests (these are shareable when the baby is added to the membership within 30 days of delivery and when these services occur prior to discharge from the hospital)
- Mother’s six-week postpartum checkup with pap test
- 2-week cesarean post-op appointment
- Chiropractic care is shareable up to 8 sessions, whether occurring prenatal or up to 2 months post-delivery
- Pelvic Floor Therapy is shareable for up to 2 sessions, whether occurring prenatal or up to 3 months post-delivery
- Postpartum depression care is shareable up to $3500 per pregnancy
Avoid situations that would cause your expenses to become ineligible for sharing
Submit your bills right away 
It is important to submit all maternity bills as soon as possible for sharing. To be eligible for sharing, they should be submitted no later than 6 months after a pregnancy confirmation.
Pregnancy prior to membership
In order for a member to qualify for a Maternity Need, the expected delivery date must fall after the first 12 months of Membership. Requests made before that date are ineligible for sharing. So, we recommend joining early if you’re planning for a family in the near future!
Understand what is not shareable
Knew Health strives to be a leader in maternity sharing. We take pride in sharing 100% of all eligible maternity Needs. Still, it’s essential to know that some services are not eligible for sharing in the community. Non-shareable items can include certain prenatal services deemed “optional.” Closely reviewing the Member Guidelines can help you anticipate extra costs and avoid surprises. Here are the maternity expenses that are not shareable as part of a Knew Health Membership
- 3D & 4D ultrasounds
- Non-prescription supplements
- Massage Therapy
- Genetic testing, including but not limited to
- Amniocentesis Inhibin A
- Alpha-Fetoprotein Serum (AFP)
- NIPT testing
- Services by companies providing genetic testing
- Doula services
- Birthing tubs (or other items)
- Placenta encapsulations
- Circumcision
- *Other services may be ineligible as determined by Knew Health. If you have questions about a specific service, please contact Knew Health prior to receiving care.
- Breast pumps
- Lactation consultant
- Mother’s immunizations
- Massage Therapy
- Additional postpartum services
$200 Self-Care Credit
Knew Health is committed to removing barriers for members and promoting community health, especially during pregnancy. To help with the cost of non-shareable medical expenses, all members receive a yearly $200 wellness allowance. So go ahead and book that massage therapy appointment. Order your non-prescription supplements from our online dispensary at a discount, or sign up for some relaxing prenatal Yoga classes. Your annual wellness allowance can be used however you see fit.
Newborn Care
While maternity care is paramount for expectant mothers, planning for newborn healthcare is equally important. An eligible maternity Need includes routine care for a newborn without complications, including babies born prematurely. Any services not included in a standard maternity Need would be considered a separate Need of the newborn.
If your newborn isn’t born under a shareable maternity Need, manually enroll them in a Knew Health Membership within 30 days of birth. This way, Membership starts right from their birthday, and all newborn wellness visits are eligible for sharing! If you enroll after 30 days, no worries—Membership will simply start on the first day of the following month.
We’re here to make this journey smoother, so feel free to reach out with any questions! Remember, enrolling your newborn early ensures peace of mind from day one.
Final Thoughts
Choosing a health-sharing community like Knew Health can provide valuable support during pregnancy, covering essential needs while lowering costs. With a focus on wellness, our community offers unique resources that empower expectant mothers to make informed, proactive health choices. Whether through your wellness allowance or supportive community, Knew Health is here to ensure a healthier journey into motherhood. Schedule your one-on-one call with a Care Team Member today if family planning is in your future.
Please note: All of the information in this article is accurate as of 11/20/24 but is subject to change. Please refer to the most current Member Guidelines to verify what is shareable and unshareable, or contact our Care Team at any time.
Disclaimer: Knew Health is not an insurance company nor is the membership offered through an insurance company. Knew Health Membership does not satisfy state or federal requirements for healthcare coverage or minimum essential coverage. This is not a legally binding agreement to reimburse or indemnify you for medical expenses you incur. There is no guarantee of payment of medical expenses you incur.